Year 6
Year 6 is such an important year for our children. The final year of primary school is a chance to achieve, reflect and then celebrate this stage of their childhood. The transition to secondary school can be daunting for some (parents included!) but we will ensure that everyone in our class is adequately prepared as much as is possible, both academically and socially, for this crucial next step. Children will take more responsibility – both for their own learning and in the way they act as role models within our school community. As they prepare for the statutory tests (SATs) we will be supporting them all the way!
Year 6 children will be developing their reference and retrieval skills. In using reference books, pupils need to know what information they need to look for before they begin and need to understand the task. They should be shown how to use contents pages and indexes to locate information. The skills of information retrieval that are taught across the curriculum and during visits and through personal research. Pupils will refine their skills for writing: generating ideas, drafting, and rereading to improve their work. They will be given opportunities to write for a wide range of purposes. Daily reading in class, independently and at home is still expected and children will be given lots of opportunity to discuss books and authors that they enjoy in our class library.
Click here to view the National Curriculum for Year 6 English
In Year 6 maths children will continue to use number in context, including measurement and will apply their skills accurately to solve problems. They will develop understanding of percentage and ratio, with number, and in geometry. The focus of mathematics teaching in upper key stage 2 is to ensure that pupils extend their understanding of the number system and place value. Children will practise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for larger numbers, using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction, short and long multiplication, and short and long division.
Click to view the National Curriculum for Year 6 Mathematics
Pupils in Year 6 will use their science experiences to explore ideas and raise different kinds of questions; select and plan the most appropriate type of scientific enquiry to use to answer scientific questions; recognise when and how to set up comparative and fair tests and explain which variables need to be controlled and why. They should use and develop keys and other information records to identify, classify and describe living things and materials, and identify patterns that might be found in the natural environment. At upper key stage 2, we teach more abstract ideas and how these ideas can help us to understand and predict how the world operates. Children will recognise that scientific ideas change and develop over time.
Click to view the National Curriculum for Year 6 Science
Foundation Subjects
We teach the Foundation Subjects with a focus on powerful knowledge, always encouraging to make links to prior learning. We aim to provide real experiences. We believe that children learn by doing, so we take them on several educational visits, invite speakers into school, bring in artefacts and interesting objects, and use our environment to spark learning. The topic work is carefully planned to allow children to make links between different areas of learning.
Click to view the Year 6 Curriculum Overview for 2023-24
Religious Education
It is very much the ethos of the school that we foster and develop the approach of understanding, consideration and respect for self and others. We use an enquiry based approach to RE, providing children with the opportunity to reflect upon not only their own beliefs, but also those of others.
This will be ensured through our religious education which is mainly Christian but also includes the study of other world religions and cultures, based on the SACRE agreed syllabus. We have daily acts of collective worship, which are broadly Christian in nature. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from these on religious grounds.