Year 1
Our aim in Year 1 is to develop social skills, independent learning and to help the children move forward from play-based learning to a more formal approach.
English, Reading and Phonics
We teach phonics every day, following the Read, Write, Inc programme. We work hard on the technical skills of writing such as punctuation, finger spaces and letter formation. We follow the English National Curriculum and base our writing on quality texts within inspiring topics that the children can relate to.
Click here to view the National Curriculum for Year 1 English
We teach lots of different mathematical skills during our daily maths lessons, following the White Rose Maths learning. We focus on: forming numbers correctly; counting objects accurately; knowing our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100; and spotting and extending number patterns. We use practical resources to help us make sense of abstract concepts.
Click here to view the National Curriculum for Year 1 Mathematics
We teach science weekly, encouraging children to explore the world around them, ask questions and carry out simple tests. Children will learn to sort, compare and group objects, describe and make close observations of patterns.
Click here to view the National Curriculum for Year 1 Science
Foundation Subjects
We teach the Foundation Subjects with a focus on powerful knowledge, always encouraging children to make links to prior learning. We aim to provide real experiences. We believe that children learn by doing, so we take them on several educational visits, invite speakers into school, bring in artefacts and interesting objects, and use our environment to spark learning.
Click here to view the Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2024 -25
Religious Education
It is very much the ethos of the school that we foster and develop the approach of understanding, consideration and respect for self and others. We use an enquiry based approach to RE, providing children with the opportunity to reflect upon not only their own beliefs, but also those of others.
This will be achieved through our religious education, which is mainly Christian, but also includes the study of other world religions and cultures, based on the agreed syllabus from the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education. We have daily acts of collective worship, which are broadly Christian in nature. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from these on religious grounds.