Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)


We promote positive mental and physical health for every member of our school community - staff, pupils and families. PSHE education allows pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and to prepare for life and work.

At Dukesgate Academy we intend to deliver an age-appropriate curriculum, building knowledge and life skills over time in a way that prepares pupils for issues they will soon face. This will focus on:

  • different types of relationships, including friendships, family relationships and dealing with strangers
  • how to recognise, understand and build healthy relationships including: self-respect and respect for others; commitment, tolerance, boundaries and consent; how to manage conflict; and how to recognise unhealthy relationships including online relationships
  • how relationships may affect health and wellbeing, including mental health
  • healthy bodies and lifestyles, including keeping safe (including online), puberty, drugs and alcohol education
  • healthy minds, including emotional wellbeing, resilience, mental health
  • economic wellbeing and financial capability
  • making a positive contribution to society

We also strive to develop Emotional Literacy in our children. Emotional Literacy is the term used to describe the ability to recognise, name and express feelings. It's important for children to develop Emotional Literacy so that they can recognise their own emotions. Once children learn to recognise and name their feelings, they can then start learning how to manage and communicate them. While they develop an understanding of their own feelings, they also start to be able to read and understand them in others too. This is a key factor in healthy relationships.


At Dukesgate Academy, we use a consistent, whole-school approach to teach PSHE and we employ a scheme of learning called ‘Kapow’. The Kapow Primary scheme is a whole school approach that consists of three areas of learning in EYFS: Reception (to match the EYFS Personal, social and emotional development prime area) and five areas of learning across Key stages 1 and 2.


  • Self-regulation
  • Building relationships
  • Managing self

Key Stages 1 and 2:

  • Families and relationships
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Safety and the changing body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic wellbeing

Each area is revisited to allow children to build on prior learning. The lessons also provide a progressive programme.

The lessons are based upon the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health education, but where our lessons go beyond these requirements (primarily in the Citizenship and Economic wellbeing areas) they refer to the PSHE Association Programme of Study which is recommended by the DfE.

Sex Education has been included in line with the DfE recommendations and is covered in Year 6 of our scheme.

The scheme supports the requirements of the Equality Act through direct teaching, for example learning about different families, the negative effect of stereotypes and celebrating differences, in addition to the inclusion of diverse teaching resources throughout the lessons.

A range of teaching and learning activities are used and are based on good practice in teaching RSE/PSHE education to ensure that all children can access learning and make progress. In key stage 1 and 2, there is an introductory lesson at the start of each year group which provides the opportunity for children and teachers to negotiate ground rules for the lessons. These introductory lessons can then be referred to throughout the year to help create a safe environment. All lessons include ideas for differentiation to stretch the most able learners and give additional support to those who need it. Many lessons, stories, scenarios, and video clips provide the opportunity for children to engage in real life and current topics in a safe and structured way. Role-play activities are also included to help children play out scenarios that they may find themselves in.

There are meaningful opportunities for cross-curricular learning, in particular with Computing for online safety and Science for growing, nutrition, teeth, diet and lifestyle. The scheme provides consistent messages throughout the age ranges including how and where to access help.

The role of parents and carers is recognised, and guidance is provided to assist schools on how to work with them and include them in their children’s learning.

In addition to the lessons, there is a suite of eight Q&A videos for teachers, featuring experts from various fields, covering the key areas: Families, Friendships, Healthy and Safe Relationships, Digital Safety and The Changing Adolescent Body.



Each lesson within Kapow Primary’s scheme features assessment guidance, helping teachers to identify whether pupils have met, exceeded, or failed to meet the desired learning intentions for that lesson.

Each unit of lessons comes with an Assessment quiz and Knowledge catcher. The quiz contains 10 questions, nine of which are multiple-choice and can be used either at the end of the unit or at both the start and the end to help measure progress and identify any gaps in learning. The Knowledge catchers list some of the lesson titles in mind-map or table format and can be used at the start of a unit to see what the children already know and to inform planning, and then pupils can revisit the same version of the Knowledge catcher at the end of the unit to add what else they now know, further demonstrating their progression in learning.

Once taught the full scheme, children will have met the objectives set out within the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance and can utilise their learning within their daily lives, from dealing with friendship issues to resilience to making healthy choices and knowing where and how to get help when needed.

The children at Dukesgate Academy engage in our Emotional Literacy scheme of work. Lessons focus on a text, providing discussion and engaging activities to suit all learning styles. The lesson plans are based on popular children's books. The scheme also includes Circle Time games specially selected for their positive effect on the emotional wellbeing of our children.

As a further strand to our PSHE curriculum, all children participate in physical activity for our Daily Mile initiative which encourages them to improve their fitness levels as well as having a positive impact on their physical and emotional health.

In the Early Years, 'Personal, Social and Emotional Development' (PSED) supports children with: learning to get on with others and make friends; understanding and talking about feelings; learning about 'right' and 'wrong'; developing independence and ultimately feeling good about themselves.

All children will have Quality First Teaching. Any children with identified SEND or in receipt of Pupil Premium funding may have additional or different work to their peers, depending on their needs, in order to access the curriculum. As well as this, our school offers a demanding and varied curriculum which provides children with a range of opportunities to enable them to reach their full potential and consistently achieve highly from their starting points.

Beyond the planned programme for PSHE education, the curriculum provides children with a variety of experiences that have the potential to promote their personal, social development and economic education. These include:

  • Celebration Assemblies
  • Circle time
  • Sports clubs & competitions
  • Drama, music activities and productions
  • Residential visits and day trips
  • Community, social and fundraising events
  • Theme days and events, for example World Book Day, Odd Sock Day
  • Charity events
  • Leadership opportunities, for example Playground Leaders, School Communication Team

Our PSHE Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different physical activity areas and, like other subjects, discreet vocabulary progression also forms part of the units of work.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following:

  • Celebrating children’s knowledge and understanding, for example, information on health, understanding of rules, understanding of health and safety procedures, and the meaning of ideas such as democracy
  • Observing how well children can apply their knowledge and understanding when participating in discussions, group tasks and activities, managing conflict, making decisions and promoting positive relationships
  • Using Pupil Voice surveys to assess knowledge of how to stay safe and emotionally confident within the school.
  • Analysing Strengths and Difficulties questionnaires to provide individual profiles of children
  • Evaluating how well children reflect on their experiences, ask questions, make judgements about their strengths and needs, and begin to plan how to make progress and set personal targets
  • Making informal judgements based on observing children during lessons and at other times during the school day
  • Making formative assessments of PSHE work in lessons
  • Recording and reporting to parents as part of the child’s annual school report.

Assessment in PSHE education should be active and participatory, helping children to recognise the progress they are making in developing and taking part, as well as in their knowledge and understanding.


RSE/ PSHE Curriculum        Parents' and Carers' Guide 

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