Music is a part of our culture. It is in every aspect of our lives and can deeply move us or cause great joy. Music holds memories. It is a powerful form of self- expression and can be a wonderful tool to explore mindfulness. At Dukesgate Academy we wish to inspire children to have a deep appreciation and, most importantly, an enjoyment of all elements of music.
The elements of music; singing, listening and appraising, composing and performing, are taught in the classroom lessons so that children can understand how music is made, played, appreciated and analysed. In EYFS children develop their listening skills by experimenting how to make sounds with different tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments, which closely links with learning Phonics. In KS1 and KS2 children are taught music through carefully planned lessons involving singing and the use of tuned and untuned percussion instruments.
We provide a classroom-based, participatory and inclusive approach to music learning. Our Charanga music scheme allows children to experience a new topic and style of music every half term. The learning within the Scheme is based on: listening and appraising, musical activities, creating and exploring, singing and performing. Charanga is linked to the national curriculum ensuring that learners revisit pulse, voice, pitch and rhythm building upon previous learning and skills. Central to the teaching process in music is performing, the act of making music. We believe that performing gives children the essential tactile experience of being ‘Inside Music’. At the very heart of performing is singing. We are developing our teaching of singing, through our work with the Voice Foundation. Children are actively involved in using and developing their singing voices, using body percussion and whole body actions. They also learn to handle and play classroom instruments effectively to create and express their own and others' music. We provide children with the opportunity to sing, compose and perform in front of an audience both within and outside of school. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music to their own and others’ lives and wellbeing, as well as the impact music has in our wider community. We aim to ensure that all children participate in concerts and performances where musical talents are celebrated.